
Query returned 1121 results.

Equivalence of Design Structure Matrix and Axiomatic Design

Tokunaga, T.; Fujimura, S. // 2013
We show equivalence of design structure matrix (shortly DSM) and axiomatic design (shortly AD). First, DSM is defined as a set of permissible ranges of both functions and constraints. We study ...

Exploratory study of the inclusion of territorial resources in design process

Allais, Romain; Tatiana, Reyes; Lionel, Roucoules // 2013
This article describes an exploratory study of the inclusion of territorial resources in a business's value-creating process through the application of a global and systemic ecodesign approach. ...

Exploring storyboarding in pre-brief activities

Wikström, Anders; Verganti, Roberto // 2013
Creating ideas is no longer seen as a challenge within companies, creative sessions and brainstorming is widespread in most companies. However, when creating a design brief there is a lack of tools ...

Fighting poverty through design: Comparing design processes for the base and the top of the world income pyramid

Jagtap, Santosh; Larsson, Andreas; Hiort, Viktor; Olander, Elin; Warell, Anders; Khadilkar, Pramod // 2013
The base (BOP) and the top (TOP) of the world income pyramid represent the poor people and the people from developed countries, respectively. About two-fifths of the world population can be ...

Forming a method mindset: the role of knowledge and preference in facilitating heuristic method usage in design

Daalhuizen, Jaap; Person, Oscar; Gattol, Valentin // 2013
ourse on design theory and methodology, we investigated method usage for five activities in the basic design cycle: (1) analysis, (2) synthesis, (3) simulation, (4) evaluation and (5) ...

Glass and wine: The indissoluble marriage

Venturi, Francesca; Zinnai, Angela; Fantoni, Gualtiero; Gabelloni, Donata; Razionale, Armando Viviano // 2013
The FBS model describes theoretically the design process of a product. Only few papers present real industrial case studies, which are generally finalized to illustrate theoretical concepts.
The aim ...

Grounded knowledge representations for biologically inspired design

Helms, Michael; Goel, Ashok // 2013
Over the last decade or so, biologically inspired design has emerged as a major paradigm in engineering design. In our work on biologically inspired design we generate grounded descriptive accounts ...

How design theories enable the design of generic technologies: Notion of generic concept and genericity improvement

Kokshagina, Olga; Le Masson, Pascal; Weil, Benoit; Cogez, Patrick // 2013
Generic technologies enable to create benefits across wide range of industrial applications. Though providing important insights on generic technologies commercialization, less attention was paid to ...

How to teach design for manufacturability at micro scale tasks

Schulze, Volker; Zanger, Frederik; Hoppen, Philipp // 2013
Designing for manufacturability is a big challenge for every designer. Every manufacturing process has its characteristics and its limits. Costs and manufacturing time are often difficult to ...

Impact of a change of environment on autonomy and design exploration

Loudon, Gareth Hugh; Gill, Steve; Wilgeroth, Paul // 2013
This research explored how a change of physical and social environment might affect a product design student’s ability to learn new design skills and to explore new design ideas. To do this, we ...

Impart ‘design for production’ knowledge by application of functional prototyping

Leutenecker, Bastian; Meboldt, Mirko; Lohmeyer, Quentin // 2013
In engineering design the early consideration of ‘Design for Production’ aspects is of particular importance to avoid high costs and time efforts caused by late redesign iterations. In design ...

Improving Organizational Design and Diagnosis by Supporting Viable System Model Applications with Structural Complexity Management

Elezi, F.; Resch, D.; Tommelein, I.D.; Lindemann, U. // 2013
This paper explores the applicability of Structural Complexity Management (StCM) on organizational design and diagnosis. As basic structural model for efficient management of organizations the Viable ...

Innovation roadmapping: Building a theoretical framework from multiple cases of industrial firms

Simonse, Lianne W.L.; Buijs, Jan A.; Hultink, Erik-Jan // 2013
This paper investigates the phenomenon of innovation roadmapping from the dimensions of activity and performance. We employed a multiple case analysis on 12 cases of industrial firms to identify the ...

Inquiry into service processes from the Perspective of ‘Steps’

Tamura, Ryoichi; Honda, Akihiro // 2013
In this paper, our aim is to initiate research into service design by first understanding the current state of service processes. We study investigates and analyzes a wide range of service cases from ...

Integrating formula student into design education – bridging the gap between theory and practice

Dohr, Fabio; Vielhaber, Michael // 2013
Design methodology is a rather abstract, yet very important, aspect of engineering design. This leads to the acceptance of such topics in education being rather low among students. The combination of ...

Measuring sharedness of mental models in architectural and engineering design teams

Casakin, Hernan; Badke-Schaub, Petra // 2013
The study presented in this paper investigates the development of sharedness of mental models in situations of design problem solving. A basic assumption is that sharedness of individual mental ...

Mechatronics design for students: model based in industrial engineering techniques

Gonzalez Almaguer, Carlos Alberto; Manriquez, Jose; Trelles, Sergio; Reyes, Luis Daniel; Neria, Xochitl; Acevedo, Armando; Avila, Jose M; Lloveras, Joaquim // 2013
The present paper proposes a methodology for mechatronic design projects based on industrial engineering techniques. Today, in industrial production the reduction of research and development time is ...

Mediating technology: How ICT influences the morality of the digital generation

Bats, Jan; Valkenburg, Rianne; Verbeek, Peter-Paul // 2013
An increasingly important theme for ICT designers is in what way ICT interferes with moral reasoning. ICT has given us new possibilities and it has simplified our lives. However, it is also ...

Merging creative design and CAD learning activities in a product design programme

O'Rourke, Pearl; O'Kane, Colm; Smith, Leslie; Ring, Michael // 2013
Traditional learning and teaching methods for creativity differ from those used in a scientific context. Although the creative process can benefit from a certain level of prescription and structural ...

Modeling parameter analysis design moves with C-K theory

Kroll, Ehud; Le Masson, Pascal; Weil, Benoît // 2013
The parameter analysis methodology of conceptual design is studied in this paper with the help of C-K theory. Each of the fundamental design moves is explained and defined as a specific sequence of ...

Models of resilient adaptive practice

Trathen, Stephen; Varadarajan, Soumitri // 2013
This paper examines the development of the Australian graduate industrial designer in a period of significant change. It explores the mismatches between current industrial design education ...

Morphological analysis of C-K’s C-constructs on design group creativity

Zeiler, Wim // 2013
The design of buildings is complex and requires the support of multi-disciplinary design teams. Therefore a supportive design approach has been developed; Integral Design. The Integral design method, ...

On the co-existance of FBS and TRIZ for simplifying design process in an iterative way

Russo, Davide; Spreafico, Christian; Duci, Stefano // 2013
Functional design model and in particular FBS model are, in recent years, most commonly accepted design theories to support design process. However, with regard to their use it remains widespread ...

Boolean Searches

The following examples demonstrate some search strings that use boolean operators:

  • design community
    Find rows that contain at least one of the two words.
  • +design +community
    Find rows that contain both words.
  • +design community
    Find rows that contain the word “design”, but rank rows higher if they also contain “community”.
  • +design -community
    Find rows that contain the word “design” but not “community”.
  • +design ~community
    Find rows that contain the word “design”, but if the row also contains the word “community”, rate it lower than if row does not.
  • +design +(>community <decisions)
    Find rows that contain the words “design” and “community”, or “design” and “decisions” (in any order), but rank “design community” higher than “design decisions”
  • design*
    Find rows that contain words such as “design”, “designs”, “designing”, or “designer”.
  • "some words"
    Find rows that contain the exact phrase “some words” (for example, rows that contain “some words of wisdom” but not “some noise words”). Note that the " characters that enclose the phrase are operator characters that delimit the phrase. They are not the quotation marks that enclose the search string itself.

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