
Query returned 1121 results.

Integrated modelling of product- and process-related information

Albers, A.; Braun, A.; Salomon, S. // 2012
Today’s product engineering is exposed to an increasing complexity and may be interpreted as a sociotechnical system with a variety of diverse elements and subsystems. In this paper we introduce an ...

Interactions for Design. The temporality of the act of use and the attributes of products

, Ruben H.; Dazarola, Jacob; Martínez Torán, Manuel; Esteve Sendra, María Consuelo; Conejero Rodilla, Andrés // 2012
Commonly, and since its inception, the methodology of Industrial Design has considered the "use" of goods as a unique and timeless dimension when seeking to define the characteristics of products, ...

Interactive Methods in Engineering Design Education: Our Experience

Petrova, Miroslava Nadkova; Zheleva-Martins, Dobrina Ivanova // 2012
of their own knowledge while learning becomes an active quest for meanings and values – a co-participation in the educational process. Dialogue is established as the most common and underlying form ...


Kroll, E.; Koskela, L. // 2012
The parameter analysis methodology of conceptual design is interpreted through the reconstructed proto-theory of design, which draws on the similarity of design and geometrical analysis, as suggested ...

Knowledge Transfer in Design Education: A Framework of Criteria for Design Exercises

Thoring, Katja; Mueller, Roland M. // 2012
This paper presents suggestions how to frame design educational exercises with the aim to transfer specific types of design knowledge to students, or to generate new design knowledge within students, ...

Mapping Design Process and Radar Analysis of Design Activities

Green, Stephen Timothy; Young, Mark; Boult, John // 2012
There is considerable interest in quantifying the impact of professional design activity: At a policy level governments and professional bodies require objective measures of value added to national ...


Casakin, H.; Kreitler, S. // 2012
The paper explores the role of typology and its relation to creativity in design product and process. The Meaning Theory served to assess the pattern of Meaning Dimensions related to typology. ...


Heilemann, M.; Schlüter,M.; Culley, S. J.; Haase ,H. -J. // 2012
The purpose of this paper is to show the aspects to consider and on which aspects to focus during product architecture optimization. Aspects which are considered as important for industrial ...

Modelling and using product architectures in mechatronic product development

Bruun, Hans Peter Lomholt; Mortensen, Niels Henrik // 2012
The objective for the paper is to determine the role of a product architecture modelling tool to support communication and to form the basis for developing and maintaining product structures for ...

Modelling of cooperative work in concurrent engineering projects based on extended work transformation matrices with hidden state variables

Schlick, C. M.; Schneider, S.; Duckwitz, S. // 2012
This paper presents analyses of project dynamics and emergent complexity in new product development projects that are subjected to the concept of concurrent engineering. A model-driven
approach is ...

Most Advanced Yet Acceptable, but don't forget

Baha, Ehsan; Lu, Yuan; Brombacher, Aarnout; van Mensvoort, Koert // 2012
Radical product and/or service innovation can ideally benefit all people and firms, and society as a whole, but pose risks in regards to technology-, industry chain-, market-, and projectuncertainty. ...

New Methods to Improve Teaching Quality in the New Era - A Study based on Aalto-Tongji Design Factory Teaching Pedagogical Development Project

Duan, WU // 2012
The Aalto-Tongji Design Factory in Shanghai is a creative environment bringing together universities, business and society to create new ways of learning, research and innovative collaboration. As ...


Kazakci, A. O.; Le Masson, P. // 2012
The paper considers the ongoing debate about the utility of general design theories. We defend the idea that design theories allow modeling design strategies, thus facilitating their elicitation and ...

Open Source Development of Tangible Products

Fjeldsted, Asta; Adalsteinsdottir, Gudrun; Howard, Thomas J.; McAloone, Tim // 2012
This article’s objective is to set up some foundational theory and practices for Open Source Development (OSD) of tangible products, a novel and emerging approach derived from the well-known open ...


Engel ,A.; Reich, Y.; Browning, T. R.; Schmidt, D. M. // 2012
System architecture decisions such as the assignment of components to modules can have a large impact on the system's adaptability. We broaden systems architecting theory by considering ...

Participate! A critical investigation into the relationship between participation and empowerment in design for development

Fladvad Nielsen, Brita // 2012
Participatory design methods are embraced by most design practitioners and academics working with design for development; design aiming for empowerment and poverty alleviation. That participatory ...

Product Development Education - Conceptual Modelling, Knowledge Integration and Metacognition

Juuti, Tero Sakari; Lehtonen, Timo Artturi; Johanna R, Kaisu // 2012
This paper concentrates on building up a model of how existing knowledge can be learned and applied successfully in new product development. Our case based research draws upon constructivist learning ...


Luft ,T.; Wartzack ,S. // 2012
This paper provides a methodology for analysing requirements for a knowledge management system that consists basically of a management and search functionality. On basis of a theoretical developed ...

School Culture Through Praxis

Vielhaber, Michael; Dohr, Fabio; Luedeke, Tobias // 2012
From the beginnings of design methodology, the way how to teach and to learn engineering design has been controversially discussed. “School culture” and “shop culture” are terms representing this ...

Situated Creativity Inspired in Parametric Design Environments

Yu, R.; Gu, N.; Ostwald, M. // 2012
Current literature shows that there is a lack of empirical evidence support the understanding of design creativity in parametric design environments (PDEs). Situated creativity which regards the ...

Stability of collaborative R&D networks: A simulation study

Gust, P.; Altfeld, N.; Kreutzfeldt, J. // 2012
To reduce the likelihood that R&D projects fail, companies tend to perform R&D activities in collaborative networks. A fundamental characteristic of networks is stability. This paper introduces ...

Stimulating Creativity in Building Design Education: Introducing Experts and C-K‘s C-Projectors

Zeiler, W. // 2012
In order to support creative team design in the conceptual building design phase, a design method was developed: integral design. Integral design uses morphological charts, which are made by the ...

Strategies for Stimulating Creativity in Design Education

Skulberg, Harald // 2012
Designers are increasingly challenged by demands defined by environmental concerns, technological optimization, logistics and functional efficiency. In order to handle this complexity, designers have ...

Teaching Principles of Qualitative Analysis to Industrial Design Engineers

Stappers, Pieter Jan // 2012
Doing qualitative field research has become a standard part of academic human-centred design education. Part of the challenge is to bring design students a thorough understanding of research methods, ...

Boolean Searches

The following examples demonstrate some search strings that use boolean operators:

  • design community
    Find rows that contain at least one of the two words.
  • +design +community
    Find rows that contain both words.
  • +design community
    Find rows that contain the word “design”, but rank rows higher if they also contain “community”.
  • +design -community
    Find rows that contain the word “design” but not “community”.
  • +design ~community
    Find rows that contain the word “design”, but if the row also contains the word “community”, rate it lower than if row does not.
  • +design +(>community <decisions)
    Find rows that contain the words “design” and “community”, or “design” and “decisions” (in any order), but rank “design community” higher than “design decisions”
  • design*
    Find rows that contain words such as “design”, “designs”, “designing”, or “designer”.
  • "some words"
    Find rows that contain the exact phrase “some words” (for example, rows that contain “some words of wisdom” but not “some noise words”). Note that the " characters that enclose the phrase are operator characters that delimit the phrase. They are not the quotation marks that enclose the search string itself.

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