
Query returned 1121 results.


Weber, C.; Deubel, T. // 2003


Maier, J. R. A.; Fadel, G. M. // 2003


Andreasen, Mogen Myrup // 2003
All products have a structure, but what is actually structure and what is seen as a good structure? We try to answer these questions by looking upon the basics of product structure, the domain theory ...


Samuel, A.; Lewis, W. // 2003

A Concurrent Engineering Information Model Based on the STEP Standard and the Theory of Domains

Aganovic, D.; Nielsen, J.; Fagerström, J.; Clausson, L.; Falkman, P. // 2002
An information model that is capturing product and manufacturing system design, as well as the idea of concurrent engineering, is emphasized in this paper. First, a case product is decomposed along ...

A Different View on PDM and its Future Potentials

Weber, C.; Werner, H.; Deubel, T. // 2002
Objective of the paper is to re-conceive the nature and development potentials of PDM-systems, based on a new approach to design theory called “property-driven development/design” (PDD). PDD is a new ...

A Review of Product Development Performance Metrics Investigations with Emphasis on the Designer Level

Acosta, C. L. M.; Araújo, C. S.; Trabassos, L. G. // 2002
The study discussed in the paper is a review of the outstanding literature on Product Development (PD) metrics (both theoretical and practical), and also on our own industrial experience on the ...

A Study of the Effects of Different Types of System Architecture on the Development Process

Grante, C.; Bylund, N. // 2002
To minimise development cost and time different system architectures require different development processes, in this paper the impact on early phases is addressed. Three types of system ...

An Approach to Verification and Evaluation of Early Conceptual Design Solutions

Derelöv, M. // 2002
In the eartly phases of the design process the evaluation and the following decision-making are based on limited amount of information, nevertheless the decision will determine the direction of the ...

An Integrated Procedure for the Design of Sustainable Products

Pighini, U.; Fargnoli, M.; Accinni, S. // 2002
The role of Designers is basically important in the development of sustainable MSs: he has both the goal to modify products in order to increase their environmental performance and to make these ...

Analytical and Numerical Analysis of Non-Symmetrical All Steel Sandwich Panels Under Uniform Pressure Load

Kujala, P.; Klanac, A. // 2002
Steel sandwich panels welded by laser can offer 30-50 % weight savings compared to the conventional steel structures. In the paper, the behaviour of the non – symmetrical all steel sandwich panels ...

Application of ICDM for the Conceptual Design of a New Product

Hari, A.; Herscovitz, J.; Zonnenshain, A.; Weiss, M. P. // 2002
ICDM is an Integrated, Customer Driven, Conceptual Design Method for the entire conceptual design process. ICDM is briefly presented in this paper and demonstrated with a detailed case study.
The ...

Approaches of Knowledge-Based Design

Vajna, S. // 2002
Knowledge-based design is a concept for the computer-aided provision and application of different representations of knowledge along the product development process. In this paper, after proposing a ...

Competences of an engineer - projects and competences in education

van Kollenburg, P.; Kater, K.; Geraedts, H. // 2002
The curriculum of the Electrical and Electronic Department has been changed enormously in the past decade. Fewer lessons and many more projects were introduced. Meanwhile it has become a topic at ...

Conversations on Interaction: Exploring the Interplay Between Theory, Research and Practice in Design Education

Power, N. // 2002
In this paper I address a number of recurring issues for design educators: the value and applicability of theoretic discourse to design practice; the value and applicability of design research to ...

Design Education in the Information Age

Broadbent, J.; Cross, N. // 2002
We examine changes in design practice during the industrial and information ages from an evolutionary systems perspective. We conclude that: design practice and education have scarcely tapped the ...

Education for Engineering and Designing

Eder, W. E. // 2002
Education in engineering can usefully be structured according to the theory of technical systems. Considerations of the didactics and pedagogics of educating (teaching and learning) are discussed. ...

Energy Losses Due to Friction in Gears

Palaghian, L.; Bucsa, M.; Barsan, I. // 2002
This paper presents some theoretical and experimental results regarding the influence of the friction coefficient upon the energy losses in spur gears and worm gears. Tests have been made on medium ...

From Function to Form Using Physical Reasoning

Žavbi, R.; Hansen, C. T. // 2002
The goal of engineering design is to design a product, which fulfils a required function. The Domain theory and chaining of physical laws (way to synthesise solutions) offer a possibility to propose ...

MATLAB/Simulink Package as a Environment for Rail Vehicle Simulation Study

Chudzikiewicz, A. // 2002
The paper sets out to present considerations and some result from track/vehicle investigations area. The goal of the investigations was to build up a modular software tool for carrying out complex ...

Boolean Searches

The following examples demonstrate some search strings that use boolean operators:

  • design community
    Find rows that contain at least one of the two words.
  • +design +community
    Find rows that contain both words.
  • +design community
    Find rows that contain the word “design”, but rank rows higher if they also contain “community”.
  • +design -community
    Find rows that contain the word “design” but not “community”.
  • +design ~community
    Find rows that contain the word “design”, but if the row also contains the word “community”, rate it lower than if row does not.
  • +design +(>community <decisions)
    Find rows that contain the words “design” and “community”, or “design” and “decisions” (in any order), but rank “design community” higher than “design decisions”
  • design*
    Find rows that contain words such as “design”, “designs”, “designing”, or “designer”.
  • "some words"
    Find rows that contain the exact phrase “some words” (for example, rows that contain “some words of wisdom” but not “some noise words”). Note that the " characters that enclose the phrase are operator characters that delimit the phrase. They are not the quotation marks that enclose the search string itself.

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