
Query returned 1121 results.


Wikström, A.; Jackson, M. // 2012
This paper will discuss how design and design thinking can contribute to an innovative development process in a conscious, controlled, and cost effective way. The subject will be reviewed from a ...

Design and evaluation of a concept for storing thermal energy

Andersson, Kjell; Bhandari, Kaviresh; Chamoun, Simon; Engel, Katrin // 2012
Thermal energy storage technology is a promising power source for peak-power requirements in automotive applications as well as for small-scale combined heat-and-power generation. This paper reports ...

Design Competence in ICT Education

Gulden, Tore; Sandnes, Frode Eika; Habib, Laurence // 2012
The new discrimination law in Norway requires new products and environments to be developed in such a way that they can be used by as many people as possible. In response to this legislation the ...

Design Education: Empirical Investigations of Design Theory in Practice in Specific Context

Boruah, Dipanka; Das, Dr. Amarendra Kumar // 2012
The present extent and content of designers’ work has changed from those in the past. Green and Bonollo mention seven phases in the product development process. The global market becoming ...


Faroughi ,A.; Faroughi ,R. // 2012
In this work a new strategic design concept, which organizes and manages complexity and change, is presented. Along the lines of the Italian composer Giuseppe Verdi, the paper first analyzes the past ...

Design Theories Analysis in Frame of the Definition of Inventive Design Efficiency

Taheri, A.; Cavallucci, D.; Oget, D. // 2012
This paper represents partial results of our research among different design theories to make a data base of the theories components, discern inventive design activities and define an indicator for ...

Design Thinking and Aesthetic Meaning-Making: Interlaced Means to Engage in Collaborative Knowledge-Building

Zahedi, Mithra; Poldma, Tiiu; Baha, Ehsan; Haats, Tim // 2012
Engaging in knowledge building that is collaborative and that integrates design thinking among interdisciplinary teams is increasingly a means to innovate in product and service design and in ...

Designer Storytelling

Parkinson, David; Bohemia, Erik // 2012
This paper aims to explore the approaches that designers take when storytelling. Design artefacts, such as sketches, models, storyboards and multimedia presentations, are often described in terms of ...

Drama in Design: An Open Brief to Design for Wellbeing

Liao, Tjhien Yuan; Person , Oscar // 2012
This paper presents a design module in which student teams were challenged in an open brief to design for wellbeing. To design for wellbeing is difficult. Wellbeing is ambiguous, hard to define and ...

Educating Critical Thinking in Design Research

Almendra, Rita Assoreira // 2012
This paper presents a study done in 2010 as part of a course named design critics that integrates the curricular year of a Design PhD program in a Portuguese University that works according to the ...

Effect of Teamwork Modes in Distributed International Design Teams

Man, Jeff; Lu, Yuan; Alblas, Alex; Brombacher, Aarnout // 2012
Over the past decades, the creation and development of new products has become a truly global activity. This requires people from different cultures on different locations to closely work together. ...

Electrifying Car Brands:"'Taking Brands into Consideration in the Idea Generation Phase"

Moons, Ingrid; De Pelsmacker, Patrick; De Wit, Ivo; Du Bois, Els // 2012
The separation between the field of marketing strategy and marketing action (creating new products) is longstanding. Still, product development may become a key element for branding because it serves ...

Enablers Barriers for Realizing Modularity Benefits

Haahr Storbjerg, Simon; Ditlev Brunoe, Thomas; Thyssen, Jesper; Nordahl Joergensen, Steffen // 2012
Although modularization is becoming both a well-described domain in academia and a broadly applied concept in business, many of today’s firm still struggle to realize the promised benefits of this ...


Schrieverhoff, P.; Bender, T.; Kissel ,M.; Lindemann ,U. // 2012
All systems and products are designed to fulfil the needs of their stakeholders. Those needs evolve over time, though, and thus products that can be adapted to altered demands and boundary conditions ...

Felicities and Fallacies of Teaching Design Theory: A Comparative Study

Keitsch, Martina Maria; Hjort Af Ornas, Viktor // 2012
The scope of design has changed significantly in the last decades - from a focus on material aspects to the intangible, from functionality to pleasure, and from making products to providing services ...


Schöfer ,M.; Maranzana, N.; Aoussat ,A.; Bersano ,G. // 2012
Researchers in natural science must create new knowledge in ever more specialized disciplines and at the same time indicate the economic and scientific value of their work. In this article we ...

From Product Designer to PSS Designer – How to Educate Engineers to become PSS Designers

Dill, Anna Katharina; Bohn, Andrea; Birkhofer, Herbert // 2012
Today’s universities teach conventional product design for mechanical engineers and service engineering for business administration students. This separated thinking and teaching of design categories ...

Future Wellbeing: Smart Design or Burnt Socio-Economic Policies

Crisp, Alan R; Arthur, Leslie // 2012
This paper identifies and challenges the philosophies of contemporary design paradigms particularly those associated with the new ‘buzz’ term ‘smart design’; now synonymous with product design; and ...

Handling a Design Structure Matrix based on fuzzy data

Bonnal, P.; Baudin, M.; Ruiz, J.-M. // 2012
Fuzzy project planning and scheduling has interested several researchers in the past three decades; more than 100 articles have been written on this issue. Contrary to stochastic project ...

How Design Theories Support Creativity – An Historical Perspective

Le Masson, P.; Hatchuel, A.; Wei, B. // 2012
In this paper we analyse the relationship between creativity issues and design theory. Even if these two notions apparently correspond to two different academic fields (psychology, cognitive science ...


Weber ,C. // 2012
Since its beginnings Design Theory and Methodology (DTM) has dealt with understanding and supporting (product) innovation. Today, increased innovation activities are paid great attention for many ...

Improved Application of Design Methodology: Taking Man-Induced Disturbances into Account

Hinsch, Malte Sebastian; Heller, Jan Erik // 2012
To support design engineers and managers in product development, many approaches exist. Their success most generally relies equally on man’s knowledge and ingenuity. Likewise, human attributes tend ...

Innovation without Design: The Dynamics of Role Making and the Gradual Emergence of the Collective Designer

Pinheiro-Croisel, R.; Hernes, T. // 2012
This paper explores innovation and social behaviourist theory in relation to sustainable urban projects in the highly institutionalized public sector (towns). Using empirical data from France, we ...

Innovative Conceptualisation through Sense Stimulation in Co-lab Development

Capjon, Jan; Hjelseth, Snorre // 2012
Should collaborative lab developments be based on technological or human preconditions? This paper initially suggests how complex human conceptualisation patterns can be described and modelled ...

Boolean Searches

The following examples demonstrate some search strings that use boolean operators:

  • design community
    Find rows that contain at least one of the two words.
  • +design +community
    Find rows that contain both words.
  • +design community
    Find rows that contain the word “design”, but rank rows higher if they also contain “community”.
  • +design -community
    Find rows that contain the word “design” but not “community”.
  • +design ~community
    Find rows that contain the word “design”, but if the row also contains the word “community”, rate it lower than if row does not.
  • +design +(>community <decisions)
    Find rows that contain the words “design” and “community”, or “design” and “decisions” (in any order), but rank “design community” higher than “design decisions”
  • design*
    Find rows that contain words such as “design”, “designs”, “designing”, or “designer”.
  • "some words"
    Find rows that contain the exact phrase “some words” (for example, rows that contain “some words of wisdom” but not “some noise words”). Note that the " characters that enclose the phrase are operator characters that delimit the phrase. They are not the quotation marks that enclose the search string itself.

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