Query returned 1121 results.
Creating a Reflective Understanding of Use of Formal Aesthetics in Product Semantic Frameworks
Ali, Abu; Liem, Andre // 2014
This paper critically reflects on selected frameworks of product semantics, which have been applied in form giving and industrial design. Furthermore, a comparative analysis has been made between ...
Design as Sensemaking: An Autoethnography on the Early Phases of Product Development
Kettunen, Ilkka // 2014
This paper provides an autoethnographic account of my personal journey through the early phases of a design process in a product development project that took place in an SME company. I reflect on my ...
Design Research: The Application in Professional Design Practice and Teaching in Design Education
Sung, Wooyoung; Giard, Jacques // 2014
Design research has become important in both design education and design practice. For design education, its role is in the identification of problems as well as the understanding of user behavior; ...
Educating Designers from Generation Y – Challenges and Alternatives
Petrova, Miroslava // 2014
The paper discusses the learner characteristics and the corresponding teaching strategies that can be applied to the education of Generation Y (Gen Y) – the cohort born between the early 1980s and ...
Mombeshora, I.M.; Dekoninck ,E.A.; Cayzer ,S. // 2014
Supported by concurrent engineering, three dimensional concurrent engineering (3DCE) is a simple yet powerful model of new product development (NPD) in which the traditional focus on an appropriate ...
Estimation of Work Transformation Matrices for Large-Scale Concurrent Engineering Projects (Members only )
Schlick, M. C.; Schneider, S.; Duckwitz, S. // 2014
This paper presents an approach to estimating work transformation matrices of large-scale concurrent engineering projects with periodically correlated work processes. A mathematical model of ...
ETH Focus Projects – Successful Approaches for Project-Based Education in Engineering Design
Marius, St // 2014
In the third year of the mechanical engineering bachelor programme, ETH Zurich offers so called Focus Projects as an integrative and intensive project-based learning course in product development. In ...
Exploring the Evolution of a Mousetrap
Gundersen, Gunnar // 2014
This paper contributes to a pedagogical approach to teaching design related to social development by presenting and discussing the technical-solution and design evolution of a simple, everyday ...
Russo, D.; Spreafico, C. // 2014
The TRIZ inventive principles are a set of problem solving guidelines universally tested and accepted by academic and industry. This article offers a review of this tool through the formalism of ...
Flat Design vs. Skeuomorphism – Effects on Learnability and Image Attributions in Digital Product Interfaces
Oswald, David; Kolb, Steffen // 2014
In 2013 Apple introduced a new interface design for their mobile devices. Whereas the previous design language made heavy use of real world metaphors and cited material like wood, paper, and leather, ...
van Kollenburg, Peter A.M.; Jeedella, Jeedella; Uzunov, Bozhidar B.V // 2014
In September 2009 the department of Engineering of Fontys University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands has started a pilot honours program for excellent engineering students called Program ...
From Gestalt to Experiencing – 2D/3D Design Fundamentals Education in Different Contexts
W, Christian // 2014
Fundamentals of 2d/3d design have been taught since before (product) design curricula were developed in the early 20th century. Since then, design fundamentals education seems to have undergone major ...
Mauger, C.; Dantan, J.-Y.; Dubois, E. // 2014
A building can be considered as a PSS with a product part (i.e. the building) and a service part (i.e. human-intensive activity). Its requirements definition consists inter alia in defining which ...
Harvesting Collective Trend Observations from Large Scale Study Trips
Eriksen, Kaare; Ovesen, Nis // 2014
To enhance industrial design students’ decoding and understanding of the technological possibilities and the diversity of needs and preferences in different cultures it is not unusual to arrange ...
HCD in a Quasi-Market: Lessons from a Design Project in Kebri Beyah Refugee Camp, Ethiopia
Hasselknippe, Kathinka; Reikvam, Gudrun; Fladvad Nielsen, Brita // 2014
A student design project conducted in a refugee settlement in Eastern Ethiopia during fall 2013 illustrates the challenges of designing appropriate products and systems for the humanitarian market. ...
How Universal Design Principles can Enhance the Interface of 3D Printing Programs
Steen-Hansen, Linn; Gine Lundh, Maud Veronica; Chen, Weiqin // 2014
Experts have predicted that 3D technologies will take on a growing importance in the economy. Results from a previous research in a Norwegian College indicate that the use of 3D modelling programs ...
Hybrid Touchpoints for Relational Service in Social Innovation: A Case Study of “Eat Me!”
Pui Ying Lo, Kathy // 2014
This paper: (1) proposes an analytical framework using hybrid touchpoints (interweaving of online and offline service touchpoints) to facilitate relational service in social innovation, and (2) ...
Cash, P.J.; Kreye, M.E. // 2014
The aim of this paper is to explore the applicability of Information Processing Theory (IPT) for understanding empirical designer activity in the early design stages. Critically we investigate the ...
Knowledge Management in Product Generation Development – an empirical study (Members only )
Albers, A.; Bursac, N.; Urbanec, J.; Lüdcke, R.; Rachenkova, G. // 2014
In the context of this contribution, the term-product generation development is defined with the help of the systems theory approach and distinguished from already existing ...
Konzept zur Methodenbeschreibung und -auswahl auf Basis von Kompetenzen und Zusammensetzung von Entwicklungsteams (Members only )
Bavendiek, Ann-Kathrin; Inkermann, David; Vietor, Thomas // 2014
Design methods are used to support single steps of the product development process and are expected to contribute to reduce development time and higher degree of innovation. Increasing time and cost ...
Learnings from Joint Service Spheres
Lampinen, Minttu; Tossavainen, Paivi J. // 2014
Value creation is one of the main theoretical constructs in recent service research in marketing discipline. Value creation together i.e. value-co-creation with the customers, both B2B and B2C, is ...
Measurement of Design Front-End - Radical Innovation Approach
Berg, Pekka; Pihlajamaa, Jussi; Kyvsgaard Hansen, Poul // 2014
The overall structure and the main characteristics of the future product are all decided in the front-end phase, which then strongly affects subsequent new product development activities. Recent ...
Metaphors in Design Curricula
Hiort af Orn, Viktor // 2014
Metaphors are central to the way we see and shape the world, and identifying metaphors can help to question how certain issues are explained or set-up, thereby opening up a range of opportunities for ...
Mixed Method Research Procedure for Design Education
Feast, Luke; Blijlevens, Janneke // 2014
within design education by presenting a methodology for utilizing both qualitative data and quantitative data within an integrated research procedure. Rigorous research training is needed because ...
Boolean Searches
The following examples demonstrate some search strings that use boolean operators:
- design community
Find rows that contain at least one of the two words. - +design +community
Find rows that contain both words. - +design community
Find rows that contain the word “design”, but rank rows higher if they also contain “community”. - +design -community
Find rows that contain the word “design” but not “community”. - +design ~community
Find rows that contain the word “design”, but if the row also contains the word “community”, rate it lower than if row does not. - +design +(>community <decisions)
Find rows that contain the words “design” and “community”, or “design” and “decisions” (in any order), but rank “design community” higher than “design decisions” - design*
Find rows that contain words such as “design”, “designs”, “designing”, or “designer”. - "some words"
Find rows that contain the exact phrase “some words” (for example, rows that contain “some words of wisdom” but not “some noise words”). Note that the " characters that enclose the phrase are operator characters that delimit the phrase. They are not the quotation marks that enclose the search string itself.