Query returned 1121 results.
Achieving Pareto Optimality in a Decentralized Design Environment
Honda, Tomonori; Ciucci, Francesco; Yang, Maria C. // 2009
As engineering systems grow in complexity, the teams that design them require increasingly disparate expertise and must operate in a more distributed fashion. At the same time, subsystem design teams ...
An Agent Based Approach to Modeling Design Teams
Crowder, Richard Michael; Hughes, Helen; Sim, Yee Wai; Robinson, Mark // 2009
It is well recognized that an effective design process is contingent on the joint optimization of both the social and technical aspects of such an activity. Thus interactions between individual ...
An Approach to Compare Product Development Methods
Vajna, Sandor; Kittel, Konstantin // 2009
The manifold activities of product development are the substantial activities within a company, as these, due to their innovation character, are the foundations of the company's success. Many ...
An Intelligent Design Environment - Overcoming Fundamental Barriers to Realizing a Step Change in Design Performance and Innovation?
Hicks, Ben; McAlpine, Hamish; Blanco, Eric; Storga, Mario; Torlind, Peter; Montagna, Francesca; Cantamessa, Marco // 2009
In the modern design environment, demands on performance, innovation and productivity are always increasing as global competition rises and business models, such as the product-service paradigm, ...
Analysis of existing products as a tool for engineering design education
Calderon, Marco Lino // 2009
To study engineering can be difficult sometimes, especially when transforming theoretical knowledge into practice. To address this issue, the fundamentals of a reverse engineering and product ...
Analysis, Synthesis and Problem Solving in Design Engineering
Eder, Wolfgang Ernst // 2009
Design engineering aims to provide transformation processes (TrfP) and technical systems (TS), preferably as complete transformation systems (TrfS), to solve a specific task. A theory-based ...
Assessing Design Methods for Functional Representation and Concept Generation: Strategies and Preliminary Results
Tate, Derrick; Agarwal, Aditya; Zhang, Linjing // 2009
To support collaborative conceptual design, methods for functional representation and concept generation are essential. Many methods have been proposed following various design theories, but little ...
Assessment of theses - a comparison of current approaches practiced in engineering education
Watty, Robert; Kreimeyer, Matthias // 2009
To evaluate a student’s work best possible, the assessment of theses written as part of the curriculum has to meet certain standards from both an academic and an industrial perspective to fully ...
Can we Engineer Better Process Models?
Kannengiesser, Udo // 2009
This paper proposes an engineering design view of process modelling that helps address the high complexity and low flexibility of many process models. In this view, processes are understood as ...
Capacity for sustainability: the changing contexts of design education
O'Rafferty, Simon; Curtis, Hannah; O'Connor, Frank // 2009
The role of design education is evolving due to structural changes in industry and society. These changes include the strategic positioning of design in business, new demographics of ageing, ...
Complexity of Industrial Practice and Design Research Contributions – We Need Consolidation
Andreasen, M. M. // 2009
An important virtue of the DFX Symposia is the possibility to present ideas, plans and early concepts and to get feedback on these. This presentation, even if it is taking its point of departure in ...
Concepts in Engineering Design — An Introductory Course in Design Offered in Undergraduate Engineering Curriculum
Krishnan,Kalyana R; Susy,Varughese; Prathap,Haridoss // 2009
“Concepts in Engineering Design” is a core course offered to all the rst year undergraduate students in engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras. The primary objective of the course ...
Creating Brand-Innovation Synergy: Towards a Practical Method of Using Brands in the New Product Development Process
Keus, Martyn; Smulders, Frido; Roscam Abbing, Erik; Buijs, Jan // 2009
Brands are more than logos that are "stuck on" products after they have been developed. Before new product concepts are envisioned, brands exist - both in the minds of consumers, and in the ...
Creativity Theories and Scientific Discovery: A Study of C-K Theory and Infused Design
Shai, Offer; Reich, Yoram; Hatchuel, Armand; Subrahmanian, Eswaran // 2009
Creativity is central to human activity and is a powerful force in personal and organizational success. Approaches to supporting creativity are diverse and numerous. The only way to understand the ...
Deficiencies in Management of the Concept Development Process: Theory and Practice
Kihlander, Ingrid; Ritzén, Sofia // 2009
Concept development is a key success factor in product development and in theory concept development means that a number of concept solutions are generated and evaluated in an objective way using a ...
Design as knowledge creation
Allert, Heidrun; Richter, Christoph // 2009
Design as knowledge creation conceptualizes design as a process of open-ended inquiry aimed to create innovative products and foster deeper understanding of the design space. The model encourages ...
Design Engineering and Needs for Methodology
Eder, Wolfgang Ernst // 2009
In order to explore the need for a formalized engineering design methodology, several grounded theories are reviewed and brought into mutual context. The theories refer to memory and thinking ...
Design is a Physical Process, Too
Ballard, Glenn; Koskela, Lauri // 2009
The mainstream stand in textbooks on design and design management is that design is a problem solving process, starting from the perceived problem and ending to a detailed solution. We contend that ...
Design Project Planning, Monitoring and Re-planning through Process Simulation
Wynn, David C.; Clarkson, P. John // 2009
Effective management of design schedules is a major concern in industry, since timely project delivery can have a significant influence on a company's profitability. Based on insights gained ...
Design Theory and Collective Creativity: A Theoretical Framework to Evaluate KCP Process
Le Masson, Pascal; Hatchuel, Armand; Weil, Benoit // 2009
KCP method is a new method for collective creative design. To evaluate and position this method in the constellation of other collective creativity method, we propose an integrated framework based on ...
Design vs. re-design, and how to innovate
Leblanc, Tatjana // 2009
Responsive to the challenges of modern times, designers and educators see the need to re-examine their role and responsibility. Several of them adopted human-centered approaches that make the user ...
Design: The Evolution of Information Punctuated by Decisions
Ullman, David // 2009
As design theory matures, it is becoming more decision-centric supporting the definition of design as the evolution of information punctuated by decisions. Current methods to support design ...
Designing an Entrepreneurial Mindset in Engineering and Management
Ekman, Sten; Ekman, Annalill // 2009
The purpose of this paper is to discuss how to design entrepreneurial mindsets in different academic cultures and its motives with focus on engineering and management education. Empirical data are ...
Designing Objects That Improve With Use
Helms, Michael Ray; Leifer, Larry // 2009
A new design methodology called "agathonic design" is proposed; one that specifies the intentional design of objects so they improve with use. Individual and/or group interactions with an ...
Boolean Searches
The following examples demonstrate some search strings that use boolean operators:
- design community
Find rows that contain at least one of the two words. - +design +community
Find rows that contain both words. - +design community
Find rows that contain the word “design”, but rank rows higher if they also contain “community”. - +design -community
Find rows that contain the word “design” but not “community”. - +design ~community
Find rows that contain the word “design”, but if the row also contains the word “community”, rate it lower than if row does not. - +design +(>community <decisions)
Find rows that contain the words “design” and “community”, or “design” and “decisions” (in any order), but rank “design community” higher than “design decisions” - design*
Find rows that contain words such as “design”, “designs”, “designing”, or “designer”. - "some words"
Find rows that contain the exact phrase “some words” (for example, rows that contain “some words of wisdom” but not “some noise words”). Note that the " characters that enclose the phrase are operator characters that delimit the phrase. They are not the quotation marks that enclose the search string itself.