
Query returned 1121 results.

Methodology for Part Visualization Problem Solving (Reading, Interpretation and Creation of Multiview Technical Drawings)

Sierra Uria, Egoitz; Garmendia Mujika, Mikel; Muniozguren Colindres, Javier; Larrakoetxea Madariaga, Isabel // 2009
Part visualization is a fundamental skill in engineering. It comprises the reading, interpretation and creation of industrial technical drawings. However, engineering students show certain learning ...

Modelling Co-Evolution in Design Practice

Smulders, Frido E.; Dorst, Kees; Reymen, Isabelle M. // 2009
Co-evolution is considered as a key characteristic of designing. Several authors have described design thinking processes as the co-evolution of design problem and design solution. Its theoretical ...

Morphological Analysis of Design Concepts Emergence in Design Meetings

Savanovic, Perica; Zeiler, Wim // 2009
There is no consensus within the design research community on how to analyse design meetings. We explored a notable controversy concerning science and design. More specifically, we were interested in ...

Morphology: A Tool for Design and Analysis of Design

Zeiler, Wim; Savanovic, Perica; Quanjel, Emile // 2009
Building design involves multi-disciplinary design teams in order to integrate contributions to solve the complex design task from different disciplines such as architecture, construction, building ...

Optimization of Concurrent Engineering Projects using an Information-theoretic Complexity Metric

Schlick, C. M.; Duckwitz, S.; Gärtner, T.; Tackenberg, S. // 2009

Optimized product Development by Means of Customized Simulation tools - Theory and practice

Hinterleitner, Herbert Karl; Dierneder, Stefan; Ladner, Karl // 2009
Simulation-driven product development has become a key factor in achieving success in a highly competitive marketplace. Employing new simulation technologies in the earliest stages of design has ...

Organizational Factors Affecting Product Innovation Capability: Findings from the Med-Tech Industry

Olsson, Annika; Blomé, Mikael; Guve, Bertil; Kaulio, Matti; Norell Bergendahl, Margareta; Odenrick, Per // 2009
Research in innovation has created much knowledge to apply concerning tools, methods and processes. However, the challenge of allowing "space", time and competence for innovation capability ...

Prototyping: Facing Uncertainty through Small Wins

Gerber, Elizabeth // 2009
Design is a learning process in which new knowledge is constructed and used to shape the environment in ways that did not previously exist. Because design is about creating that which does not yet ...

Repacking Design Theory in Green

Nay, Eric Matthew // 2009
Rethinking "design thinking" as a curricular exercise takes on extra cache as the Ontario College of Art & Design rebrands and repositions itself within the landscape of art and design ...

Responses to Product Features: An Affective Neuroscience Perspective

Christoforidou,Despina; Motte,Damien // 2009
Design aesthetics concerns the study of the way the features of a product are perceived by an observer. This paper shows that the moment of perception can be advantageously described with the help of ...

Stimulating a creative approach to learning about a manufacturing process

Loy, Jennifer Elizabeth // 2009
As educators, we understand the theory of student-centered learning, but translating that into practical projects for students is a challenge compared to traditional lecturer-led, exam based ...

Study on User’s Emotions and Needs to Design a New Product for Carrying Ski Equipments

Tashakorinia, Zahra; Arabkheradmand, Amir Hossein; Choopankareh, Vahid // 2009
Users judge a new product on a series of product features based on their knowledge and expectation. Products with emotions are more usable and desired. To integrate emotions into products, designers ...

Superteams: Combining Teams in Different Locations

Wilde, Douglass James // 2009
Consider teams, constructed according to Jungian cognition theory, at various locations and that are themselves to be combined into larger "superteams". Combination is done by treating each ...

Supporting Product Innovation in Uncertainty Conditions: A U-SDSP Based Decision Making Approach

Polverini, Davide; Graziosi, Serena; Mandorli, Ferruccio // 2009
International competition intensification and product development process shortening have heightened the pressure to innovate, representing this issue nowadays a hallmark of all mature companies; it ...

Tangible Business Process Modeling

Edelman, Jonathan Antonio; Grosskopf, Alexander; Weske, Mathias; Leifer, Larry // 2009
This paper examines preliminary work applying contemporary design theory and methodology research concepts to Business Process Modeling (BPM). BPM practitioners have expressed difficulty in sharing ...

The development of an on-line learning & teaching resource for the socio-centric aspects of sustainable design

Conrad, Franziska; Humphries-Smith, Tania // 2009
This paper fits into the topics of socially relevant design, design and emotion and sustainable design and explores the question how can we create a more sustainable way of life? The paper also ...

The Main Mystifications Ingrained in Engineering Design

Sedenkov, Vladimir Michailovich // 2009
Amazing phenomenon of engineering design is that it manipulates with non-existent and yet to be called into being entities in the same way as with real objects (products and processes). Thus a ...

Theory of Technical Systems (TTS) - Existing Approaches and Challenges

Weber, Christian // 2009
Considerations on the nature of artifacts (technical products or systems) have always been part of Design Theory and Methodology. In this context it is quite interesting to investigate the role of ...

Tidal Energy: Opportunities and Challenges for Renewable Power Generation

Leary, Martin John; Hollier, Will; Subic, Aleksandar; Hayes, Adrian; Burvill, Colin // 2009
Diminishing fossil fuel reserves combined with concerns of environmental damage and climate change provide a strong motivation toward the development of practical and renewable energy sources. Of the ...

TRIZ-Driven ECO-Design and Innovation

Regazzoni,'D; Rizzi. C; Russo, D // 2009
The paper presents a structured set of eco-guidelines based on TRIZ theory with the aim to support designer improving a product, a process or a service according with eco-parameters.Staring from a ...

Uncertainty in Through Life Costing within the Concept of Product Service Systems: A Game Theoretic Approach

Kreye, Melanie; Goh, Y. M.; Newnes, L. B. // 2009
By 2028 Rolls-Royce predict a civil after sales market opportunity of USD 550 billion and for military engines of USD 300 billion. Naturally, with this anticipated business Product Service Systems ...

University Industry Collaboration in the Development of PLC Training Material for Use in the Design and Development of Quarry Plant

McKeag, Dennis; Blakley, Jim; Hanson, Nigel // 2009
This paper describes programmable logic controller (PLC) training material designed and developed as part of a University Industry collaboration in the form of a knowledge transfer partnership (KTP). ...

We Need a Universal Design Project Outcome Performance Measurement Metric: A Discussion Based on Empirical Research

Skogstad, Philipp; Steinert, Martin; Gumerlock, Karl; Leifer, Larry // 2009
This paper aims to contribute and channel a discussion on the need for a universal outcome performance measurement for design projects. After introducing the problem verbally, an example situation of ...

Why is Design Automation Software not Everywhere?

Schotborgh, Wouter; Kokkeler, Frans; Tragter, Hans; van Houten, Fred // 2009
This paper discusses the question how to increase the amount of design automation software in industry. First, the contemporary industrial context is outlined to motivate the need for automation of ...

Boolean Searches

The following examples demonstrate some search strings that use boolean operators:

  • design community
    Find rows that contain at least one of the two words.
  • +design +community
    Find rows that contain both words.
  • +design community
    Find rows that contain the word “design”, but rank rows higher if they also contain “community”.
  • +design -community
    Find rows that contain the word “design” but not “community”.
  • +design ~community
    Find rows that contain the word “design”, but if the row also contains the word “community”, rate it lower than if row does not.
  • +design +(>community <decisions)
    Find rows that contain the words “design” and “community”, or “design” and “decisions” (in any order), but rank “design community” higher than “design decisions”
  • design*
    Find rows that contain words such as “design”, “designs”, “designing”, or “designer”.
  • "some words"
    Find rows that contain the exact phrase “some words” (for example, rows that contain “some words of wisdom” but not “some noise words”). Note that the " characters that enclose the phrase are operator characters that delimit the phrase. They are not the quotation marks that enclose the search string itself.

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