Symposium on Design Theory and Innovation
8th November 2019
RMIT University, Melbourne
Programme available here.
Design theory aims to understand and delineate design principles, design knowledge, and design practice. Established 12 years ago with the support of the Design Society, the Special Interest Group on Design Theory contributed to the formal development and renewal of Design theory by benefiting from new scientific advances, and by adapting them to highly innovative design situations.
We offer a unique opportunity to meet some of the leading researchers from the SIG, learn about their research and practical work on data-driven design, artificial intelligence and design theory, creativity, co-design, design thinking, and discuss your research.
Participation is free but you need to pre-register for this workshop. Please submit a 1 page max document with an abstract of a project or a challenge statement that outlines the issue that you would like to discuss or present in relation to design theory or innovation management.
The deadline to register your interest is October 5. Please contact the workshop organizers at
Olga Kokshagina
RMIT University, Graduate School of Business and Law, Global Business Innovation ECP
Pascal Le Masson
MINES ParisTech - PSL Research University, Chairman of Design Theory and Methods for Innovation